EMAS / Beja: “Environment League Tour” was a success in the municipality’s rural parishes.
The big news for the school year 2023/2024 of the “Environment League Tour” initiative was the involvement and scope of the school community in rural parishes in the municipality of Beja.
EMAS / Beja: New company agreement signed. Enters into force at 1 January.
Last Wednesday, the new “Company Agreement” was formalized (AE) Municipal Company for Water and Sanitation (EMAS) Beja.
ENEG 2023: EMAS de Beja participate in the largest National Meeting of Water and Sanitation Management Entities.
See you tomorrow, the largest and most prestigious National Meeting of Water and Sanitation Management Entities is taking place, o ENEG 2023, organized by APDA – Portuguese Association of Distribution and Water Drain, which includes transformations in the structure of this edition to raise the motto “A Cry for Water!".
EMAS Beja: “Environment League” tour arrives in the parishes of the municipality.
The initiative integrated into the “Beja Global Sustainability” Project, the city of Beja, “Environment League” Tour, promoted within the scope of corporate responsibility by the Beja Municipal Water and Sanitation Company, is back for the II Edition.
EMAS Beja: Innovation and sustainability in the renewal of the water network.
EMAS de Beja is carrying out an important intervention that consists of replacing one of the main pipelines in the water distribution system in the city of Beja that distributes water from the Conceição reservoir, which is located next to the EMAS headquarters building to the so-called downtown area of ​​the city.