EMAS Beja: Innovation and sustainability in the renewal of the water network.
EMAS de Beja is carrying out an important intervention that consists of replacing one of the main pipelines in the water distribution system in the city of Beja that distributes water from the Conceição reservoir, which is located next to the EMAS headquarters building to the so-called downtown area of ​​the city.
EMAS / Beja: Today the company is promoting a commemorative session for its 20 years of activity.
The session titled “EMAS in Focus: Conversations around the water”, will take place at the NERBE Auditorium in Beja, and marks two decades as a municipal company.
EMAS / Beja: Company distinguished by the Regulatory Entity of the water and waste sector.
EMAS de Beja was distinguished by ERSAR – Regulatory Authority of Water and Waste Services, with the “Seal of exemplary quality of water for human consumption: 2023".
EMAS / Beja: Company launches the challenge. Come and discover the “Water Palace” project.
To mark “World Water Day”, EMAS de Beja promotes the opening of doors to all families.
EMAS / Beja: Winners of the “Water Heroes 2022/23” challenge announced.
The winners of the challenge in the 1st cycle were students from the 4th A class of Santiago Maior and in the pre-school category, the Penedo Gordo elementary school room. Honorable mentions for the 3rd C and 3rd B classes at Escola Básica de Santa Maria.