EMAS / Beja: Company present at Escola Mário Beirão at the opening of the new school year.
At the invitation of the Agrupamento de Escolas Nº 2 Beja, EMAS Beja, was present at the start of the school year at Escola Mário Beirão, with an action of proximity and welcome to the students.
EMAS / Beja: Campaign “Let's close the faucet dry”.
EMAS de Beja, within the scope of its environmental responsibility, joined the awareness campaign "Let's turn off the tap to drought".
EMAS / Beja: Company promotes environmental awareness actions during the summer.
Actions strengthen links with future generations, while contributing to a greater awareness of participants for environmental causes.
EMAS: Company integrates “Agitar” program.
AGITAR is “a project of collective mobilization to, with the active involvement of local communities in order to stir mindsets and promote efficient water management”.
EMAS / Beja: The company is a regional partner for the declaration of commitment.
Beja integrates commitment to adapt and mitigate climate change in water services.