Ourique: Local authority claims the urgent execution of works in EN between Garvão and Santa Luzia.
The Mayor of Ourique, Marcelo Guerreiro, He wrote to the Secretary of State for Infrastructures, Guilherme W. Martins, to claim the execution of works on the national road between Garvão and Santa Luzia, Infrastructure Central State responsibility through the company Portugal Infrastructure.
Canyons: Motion of protest against the behavior of the company Portugal Infrastructure.
The Portugal Infrastructure company has conditioned access to the Shacks heavy vehicles across the River Ardila bridge. The population of Barrancos is outraged and the Executive City Council approved a protest motion.
Beja: citizens discuss “atrofiamentos” politicians who hinder the development.
“Once breakdown, a further delay” self-propelled yesterday in the Beja Train Station, It was the theme for a gathering of citizens who want to discuss the action to be taken against the “atrofiamentos” politicians who keep us from developing
Campo Maior: Prevention of olive theft
Since the beginning of the olive harvesting campaign 2016/17, only in the Campo Maior county, the military GNR already recovered more than 10.000 kilos which were stolen in the olive groves that municipality.
(Exclusive) Beja: horizontal markings IP2 "cause" of violations and accidents.
The National Guard has warned the Roads Plain on the serious problems, resulting from poor vertical and horizontal signaling in IP 2. The utility company “does not reply” Ã GNR.