Almodovar: Municipality guarantees transportation to students, who attend educational establishments outside the municipality.
Higher and Professional Education students, residents in the municipality of Almodôvar, who attend educational establishments in Beja, Cuba, Serpa and Faro.
IPBeja: Welcome to new students marks the beginning of the Academic Year.
The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) promotes, starting this Thursday 12 of September, the 1st integration activity for new students, under the organization of IPBeja students, um Peddy Paper, starting at 14.00 hours, Campus not IPBeja, thus marking the start of the School Year 2024/25.
Beja: University residence built based on an industrialized solution “off-site”.
The Couples group was selected, by public tender, for the design and construction of the student residence, in Beja and with its own industrialized solutions “off-site”.
IPBeja: Students share academic experience through a series of PodCasts.
Within the scope of the integrated communication strategy, IPBeja carried out, in the last days, a series of interviews with students who are part of each of the CTeSP course committees, of Bachelor's degrees, postgraduate and master's degrees.
IPBeja: Presidency backtracks on closure of student residences.
A contestação dos estudantes PALOP, main disadvantages of the measure, levaram a presidência do Instituto Politécnico de Beja (IPBeja) a não encerrar as seis residências de estudantes durante o mês de agosto.