Évora: Detainee suspected of sexual abuse of children.
A Polícia Judiciária anunciou ontem a detenção de um homem de 32 year old, na zona de Évora, por suspeita de abuso sexual de menores, a quem alegadamente fornecia droga.
“The co depura”: cross-border program to reduce electricity consumption.
A Promedio apresentou-se como líder do projecto “The co depura”, um programa transfronteiriço para reduzir o consumo eléctrico, acompanhado pelas entidades públicas portuguesas Águas do Alentejo, Águas do Algarve e Universidade de Évora.
Évora: The six detainees Operation Fiscal Action Unit GNR are in custody.
Ficam em prisão preventiva os seis elementos, três militares e três civis, detidos pela Unidade Fiscal da GNR no dia de terça-feira, in Portugal. Os militares foram para o Estabelecimento Prisional de Tomar, dois civis para Beja e uma mulher para Odemira.
Évora: Ambulance overturned firefighters, imprisoned conductor and seriously.
A professional driver for the Volunteer Fire Department of Évora (BVE), He was imprisoned and suffered serious injuries, having been admitted to the city hospital, following the loss of the ambulance that he manned and where he went alone.
Évora: Military Territorial Command very active and operating in the fight against crime.
An individual was arrested for the crime fighter in non hunting area, in Montemor-o-Novo, while in Reguengos de Monsaraz was detained a person for illegal possession of firearms and recovered a bird of prey.