Ourique: Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture and the Sea, the first day of the Alentejo Pig Fair.
The Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture and the National Assembly of the Sea will be visiting Ourique during the first day of the XI edition of the Alentejo Pig Fair, which will run from 23 a 26 March 2017.
Ourique: Partnership with Montaraz ensures DOP meat in pig Alentejo Fair.
The municipality of Ourique and ACPA - Alentejo Pig Breeders Association continue to prepare the XI edition of the Pig Alentejo Fair, which will run from 23 a 26 March, in Ourique.
Ourique: Portel is the municipality invited to the Fair Alentejo Pig 2017.
The municipality of Ourique is continuing preparations for the XI edition of the Alentejo Port Fair, to be held in Ourique, on days 23,24, 25 and 26 March 2017, We are able to announce that the Municipality invited to the event this year is the municipality of Portel, District of Évora.
Ourique: Miguel Araújo to 25 March the XI Fair Alentejo Pig.
Miguel Araújo is the first released the name of the musical programming of the XI edition of the Pig Alentejo Fair, to be held in the days Ourique 23, 24, 25 and 26 March 2017.
Mértola: Agriculture Minister inaugurates Hunting Fair. Contest runs from 21 and 23 October.
The National Hunting Capital back to focus attention on its annual fair that takes place in Mértola 21 a 23 October. Capoulas Santos, Minister of Agriculture, opens the event.