Beja: Neighborhood Air Force has more than two hundred uninhabited apartments.

Beja: Neighborhood Air Force has more than two hundred uninhabited apartments.

The Air Force (DOES) does not admit, but are more than two hundred, closed apartment in the ancient district of the German, located in the Southwest area of ​​Beja. Only in the building known as the "Tower", the 10 floors have 60 abandoned apartments, some in the top of the building serve as dorm pigeon.

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Beja: Air Astana plane fell from 20 thousand for 5 thousand feet after depressurization.

Beja: Air Astana plane fell from 20 thousand for 5 thousand feet after depressurization.

Air Astana plane crashed 15 thousand feet in no time. There were two hours of maximum stress. They were 13.33 hours Sunday when the pilot repeated the international sign of emergency to the control tower.

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Beja: Air Astana plane lands the third attempt at the course of BA11.

Beja: Air Astana plane lands the third attempt at the course of BA11.

“Mayday, mayday”. The story of the plane that was "uncontrollable" but did "spotless landing" in Beja.

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Beja: commands without plane landed in BA11. Crew members are being watched

Beja: commands without plane landed in BA11. Crew members are being watched

An Air Astana declared an emergency and landed in Lisbon in Beja. Two of the six crew members were taken to the hospital.

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Beja: Base Aérea 11 You will receive new helicopters Koala Aw 119 Air Force.

Beja: Base Aérea 11 You will receive new helicopters Koala Aw 119 Air Force.

Meet the Koala AW119, the new Air Force helicopters. Released the first images with the official painting of the AW119 Koala, which will replace the Alouette III operating from the Air Base 11, in Beja, and in use since the colonial war.

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