Air Force: Major, captains and sergeants held by suspicions of corruption. There in BA11.
A mega-operation on suspicion of corruption in messes Air Force, which have damaged the state in ten million, It led to the realization of 180 searches and arrests six. They were held in military Air Base 11, in Beja.
Beja: PJ and PJM is looking at Air Base 11 and other Air Force units.
The Judicial Police is conducting searches in the air bases and facilities of the Air Force due to suspected corruption in messes involving officials. Since there will be several held. The Lidador News is on the ground.
Air Force: Competition for Official admission, Sergeants and Squares.
Air Force launches tender for Officers, Sergeants and Squares, They are 532 vacancies in the support areas, and maintenance operations.
(Update) Air Force: C130 plane fell at the base of Montijo. Aircraft not taken off the BA11.
A C130 Hercules Air Force plane crashed Monday in Montijo Base. The disaster has at least three fatalities. Unlike the initial reports the aircraft did not become detached from BA 11 (Beja).
Odemira: Two fishermen fell into the ravine dos Machados Beach.
Two fishermen fell in the late afternoon of Wednesday on a cliff, south of dos Machados Beach, in place of the Old Castles, in Odemira.