Local 21: Polling stations in the municipality of Beja.
In the municipality of Beja there are 47 polling stations, more 5 than in the Presidential and almost 29 one thousand registered voters. The polling stations will be open between 8 e as 20 hours.
ANAFRE: It met with non-associated parishes in the district of Beja.
O Coordenador Distrital e vice-presidente da ANAFRE reuniram com presidentes de juntas de freguesia não associadas.
parishes: Marcelo enacts law that allows reversing extinction.
New diploma drops the call “Grass Law”, of 2013, to the tempo of the Troika. Framework law will only enter into force after municipal elections.
parishes: Priorities have been defined for the monitoring of fuel management.
In Diário da República, the dispatch identifies the 1002 priority parishes for the monitoring of fuel management, in the defense of the forest against fires. There are four in the Beja district, in the municipalities of Mértola and Almodôvar.
Vidigueira: CDU announces candidates for the four parishes.
The Vidigueira CDU announced the list heads to the four Boards of Parish of the Municipality.