City-4: Independents lead 2 the 75 parishes in the Beja district.
Matthias (Beja) e Amareleja (Moura) are the two exceptions in presidencies of parish councils in the district of Beja. The PS with 45, have most presidencies, with CDU to lead in 28.
parishes: Only 80 municipalities transferred competences.
Only 80 counties, 3 no Beja district, accepted the decentralization of competences and access to funds by parishes, total no 59,1 million.
Beja: Chamber and Urban Parish Unions launch home service.
The City Council of Beja and Unions of Urban Parishes launch the service “CO(M)I follow - AT YOUR HOME †– MOBILE UNIT FOR SMALL REPAIRS AND HOUSING ADAPTATIONS.
Beja: União de Freguesias grants financial support to institutions.
The Union of Parishes of Santiago Maior and São João Baptista decided to allocate various financial supports to institutions to institutions located in their area of ​​jurisdiction.
Beja: Suspended activity Health Fitness and Wellness.
The Union of Parishes of Salvador and Feira suspends, among others, the activity of Health Fitness and Wellness.