Beja: Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist in the present Congress ANAFRE.
The XVII National Congress ANAFRE, He held in Portimão where attended the Parish Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist.
Beja: U.F.Salvador and S.M.Feira continues with herbal cleaning jobs.
Aiming to beautify the various arteries of its jurisdiction, the Savior Parish Union and Santa Maria da Feira continues with herbal cleaning jobs.
Beja: U.F.Salvador and S.M.Feira with renewed work after the holidays.
Finished the Christmas and New Year, Executive employees and Parishes of the Union of Salvador and Feira, They returned to work on behalf of customers.
Beja: Union Parishes makes cleaning and maintenance of St. Andrew's Urbanization.
The Union of Parishes of Beja Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist is in the process of cleaning and maintenance of public spaces, in this case in Santo André Urbanization.
Beja: Parishes Union prepares “Christmas in Schools 2019”.
The Union of Parishes of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist have initiatives underway to celebrate the Christmas season promoting “Christmas in Schools 2019″ Check and Christmas”.