Beja: Parishes Union promotes interventions in primary school in Santiago Maior.
Interventions in Primary School of Greater Santiago and cleaning and maintenance of public roads, are some of the work that the parishes of Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist is performing.
Beja: Parishes Union continues with the cleaning and maintenance of public spaces.
The Parish Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist, remains committed to the cleaning and maintenance of public spaces this time next to the Camping, and Tennis Court.
Beja: Parishes Union completed the intervention in Mata Air Force.
The Parish Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist, continues with the cleaning and maintenance of green areas and public roads.
Mértola: “A summer with culture” animates nights “Village Museum”.
The Mértola parish council promotes in July, August and September the initiative "A summer with culture", including spectacles, walks and activities for children in the village of Mértola.
Beja: U.F.Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist promotes 1st Cultural Weekend.
The Union of Parishes of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist, I will promote the cultural Weekend, the 2nd edition of "A Star Filled Sky" and Free Time Workshops - OTL Summer Active in Penedo Gordo and summer for All in Beja.