Beja: In the trial of the German couple killed in a beating in BaleizĂŁo, woman blames her partner.

Beja: In the trial of the German couple killed in a beating in BaleizĂŁo, woman blames her partner.

“For my part, what I have to say is that I didn’t kill them. I have a clear conscience.”, told the Collective of Judges (CJ) the Court of Beja, Monica Lourenço, the wife of 38 year old, that together with your partner, Fernando Belmonte, of 54 year old, in the first session of the trial in which they face two crimes of murder and one of robbery, all qualified. Turn, the accused, He referred to the silence.

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Beja: Eight years in prison for attempted murder and domestic violence against ex-partner.

Beja: Eight years in prison for attempted murder and domestic violence against ex-partner.

A Collective of Judges from the Beja Court yesterday afternoon sentenced an individual to eight years in prison, in legal height, by degree murder, in attempted form and domestic violence, committed against his ex-partner.

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Beja: Tried for domestic violence and attempted murder of ex-partner.

Beja: Tried for domestic violence and attempted murder of ex-partner.

The Public Ministry (MP) de Beja accused a man of 48 year old, of domestic violence crimes, in the consummated form and qualified homicide, the attempted form, committed against his ex-partner, with whom he had two children, a girl of 24 years and a boy of 18 year old.

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Odemira: He lived in a privileged situation in a trailer and stabbed the owner of the property when he was expelled

Odemira: He lived in a privileged situation in a trailer and stabbed the owner of the property when he was expelled

An individual 53 year old, lived in a trailer on private property, when the owner called him to his house and told him that he should leave the place, stuck a knife in his abdomen, who almost tasted his death.

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Neves / Beja: Five years and six months in prison for attempted murder at a Christmas dance.

Neves / Beja: Five years and six months in prison for attempted murder at a Christmas dance.

An attempted murder with a knife, perpetrated by a young man 19 year old, was punished with a sentence of 5 years and 6 months in prison and the payment of two compensations exceeding 9.000 euros, one of which to the victim worth 5.000 euros for moral damages.

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