Beja: Friend killer stabbed, condenado a 14 years in prison.
Manuel Santos, the confessed murderer of his friend Francisco Ferro, was on Friday afternoon sentenced to 14 years in prison for the crime of simple homicide. The two children will receive 110 thousand euros in compensation.
Beja: Trial of the murder of Francisco Ferro.
Murderer, Manuel Santos (“Açorda wheat”) confessed to stabbing his friend, because he offended you. Public prosecutor defends simple and unskilled homicide.
(Exclusive) Beja: Doctor accused of negligent homicide.
A doctor at the José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, meanwhile already renovated, was accused of negligent homicide. The victim was a fetus in apparent death (stillborn), after the mother was subjected to a caesarean section.
Beja: MP deducts accusation against murderer of Francisco Ferro.
Manuel dos Santos, the homicidal confess, killed friend with six stabs in the room he had rented. He is accused of qualified homicide and possession of a prohibited weapon. Risks 25 years in prison.
Moura: Reformed GNR tried for attempted murder.
A former soldier in the Republican National Guard (GNR), resident in Moura, was tried in the Central Criminal Court of Beja, accused of the crimes of qualified homicide in the attempted form and of aggravated threat.