Beja: Public Service with point tolerance in Carnival.
A Romanian citizen showers his wife with gasoline and threatens to set her on fire. A Romanian citizen showers his wife with gasoline and threatens to set her on fire. A Romanian citizen showers his wife with gasoline and threatens to set her on fire.
Beja: ULSBA issues a statement on layoffs in the Emergency Department.
In order to complete the information available, the Local Health Unit of the Lower Alentejo (ULSBA) issued a statement, where he took stock of the situation after the meeting with the resigning doctors.
Birth: In 2021 were born at the Maternity Hospital of Beja more 20 babies than in 2020.
Last year were born 1.012 babies in the maternity ward of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja, more 20 than 2020, but less 16 than 2019. Changed downward trend reveals of the first three quarters.
Beja: ULSBA will try to solve problems that led to dismissal.
The lack of doctors and the work overload was recognized today by the Local Health Unit of Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA) and undertook to try to solve problems that led to the dismissal of 12 emergency team leaders.