Serpa: Wages in arrears at hospital, denounces the Nurses' Union.
The Union of Portuguese Nurses (SEP) denounced yesterday in a statement that there are wages in arrears in Serpa Hospital, a public unit managed by the Santa Casa da Misericordia de Serpa (SCMS), from 2015.
Ourique: Collision between truck causes the death of drivers and closes IC1.
A head-on collision between two trucks in IC1, at the intersection of Monte Negro (Panóias / Ourique), It caused the death of the two drivers, one of 40 and other 52 year old, both residing in Loulé. IC 1 closed to traffic.
Beja: the Medical Association's chairperson visit Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes.
Miguel Guimarães, Chairman of the Medical Association, visit Tuesday, day 25 of September, Beja Hospital.
Moura / GNR: Military injured in hospital fire in Port “in serious condition”.
The military of the GNR burned in a fire in the county Mourao, District of Évora, and he was transferred to the Hospital of S. John, no Porto, lies “in serious condition, but stable”, source said that hospital.
Beja: ULSBA has open 17 vacancies for doctors at the hospital and 9 in health centers.
The Ministry of Health opened vacancies for new medical district of Beja. In Beja Hospital has the ULSBA 17 open spaces and 9 vacancies for various health centers.