Ferreira do Alentejo: Four people injured in Matosinhos Family screening in A2.
Screening followed by overturning A2, injured family Matosinhos. A woman 69 year old, Hospital was transferred to Lisbon. Daughter, granddaughter and husband were discharged, After Hospital observed in Beja.
Messejana: ULSBA authorizes retrain health extension, charge with 103 thousand euros.
A decree published yesterday Gazette authorizing the Local Health Unit of the Lower Alentejo to take, in 2018, a multi-annual charge to the amount of 103.340,10 euros, concerning the redevelopment health extension of the Messingham.
Beja: PCP delivered the Assembly of the Republic Draft resolution on Hospital.
Projeto de Resolução sobre a construção da 2ª fase do Hospital Distrital de Beja foi ontem entregue pelo Grupo Parlamentar do PCP na Assembleia da República.
Ourique: One dead and three seriously injured in an accident that cut IC1.
One man died and three people were injured seriously, including a child, a head-on collision between a passenger car and other goods, no IC1, in Ourique.
Odemira: Leandro of danger, Tobias after attack.
target of attack boy mutt Alentejo, out of danger. Leandro was hospitalized and subjected to surgery at the Hospital of Santa Maria, in Lisbon. The dog is forty in the Official Collection Center, in Odemira.