Higher education: Ministry calls for the non-performance of practices.

Higher education: Ministry calls for the non-performance of practices.

The Directorate-General for Higher Education maintains the helpline for reporting abusive practices. The MCTES defends not carrying out any type of customary or humiliating initiatives.

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IPBeja: 1st phase placements of 21/22 were from 54,37% in relation to the existing vacancies.

IPBeja: 1st phase placements of 21/22 were from 54,37% in relation to the existing vacancies.

In the Polytechnic Institute of Beja were placed 320 students, when there were 536 vacancies. At the Agrarian School of 133 They were placed vacancies 7 students, 6,01%. In 2020 were placed more 3 students in a total of 593 vacancies.

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IPBeja: eleven more (11) vacancies in the reinforcement of the year 2021/2022.

IPBeja: eleven more (11) vacancies in the reinforcement of the year 2021/2022.

Higher Education with over three thousand vacancies. Polytechnic Institute of Beja with eleven more (11). pass from 525 to 536 places.

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Higher education: Exceptional reinforcement of vacancies already in the 1st phase.

Higher education: Exceptional reinforcement of vacancies already in the 1st phase.

The National Commission for Access to Higher Education (CNAES) gave the green light to the increase of available places in the first phase of the competition, recognizing that the number of places initially fixed is insufficient given the record of candidates.

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IPBeja: Polytechnic with four more places than in 2020.

IPBeja: Polytechnic with four more places than in 2020.

According to data released by the Ministry of Science, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior o Instituto Politécnico de Beja (IPBeja) tem mais quatro vagas para o Concurso Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Superior Público de 2021.

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