Mértola: II street exhibition “rendARTE”.
The II edition of the “rendARTE” street exhibition- Add Color to Christmas, continued the work of the previous edition of 2021, based on the “rents” of old, recovering practices and traditions, linked to our knowledge/traditions.
Mértola: He abused a disabled young man in his establishment.
A man of 60 years he was detained on suspicion of several crimes against sexual freedom and self-determination in Mértola.
Mértola: Municipal Assembly approves Historic Budget for 27 million.
024 City Hall. This historic budget 27 million, reflects the municipality’s commitment to im
Mértola: Municipality received Autarchy flag + Family Responsible.
The Municipality of Mértola received for the 13th consecutive year the flag of “Autarquia + Family Responsible".
Campaign: “Plantar 1000 holm oaks in the municipality of Mértola”.
The holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia) It is one of the main trees in the Mediterranean. The Municipality of Mértola, the EBM-Biological Station of Mértola and the BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, launch the challenge of “Planting 1000 holm oaks in the municipality of Mértola”.