Mértola: Municipal Games 2023 of 15 from April to 17 June.
The municipality of Mértola organizes 15 from April to 17 June, another edition of “Jogos Concelhios”. Eight activities and sports that will travel to various locations in the county.
Mértola: Man suffers severe burns to face and upper limbs.
A man of 50 year old, suffered serious injuries to the face and upper limbs, after being burned with a cylinder of a flammable product inside a restaurant, in the village of Mértola.
Mértola: Municipality remembers Serrão Martins, the historic mayor.
Until the next day 23 March, the municipality of Mértola remembers Serrão Martins, first democratically elected mayor in Mértola.
Study: Baixo Alentejo with 94% territory susceptible to desertification.
Soil quality, climate and vegetation were parameters included in the study by Universidade Nova de Lisboa. 94% of the territory of Baixo Alentejo is “susceptible to desertification”.
Mértola: The 12th edition of the Islamic Festival returns in May.
A 12ª edição do Festival Islâmico regressa a Mértola de 18 a 21 May. In 2023 o souk está de volta às vilas “velha” e “nova” de Mértola.