parishes: Priorities have been defined for the monitoring of fuel management.
In Diário da República, the dispatch identifies the 1002 priority parishes for the monitoring of fuel management, in the defense of the forest against fires. There are four in the Beja district, in the municipalities of Mértola and Almodôvar.
Electron barracks: Mértola firefighters win prize “New Member”.
Quartel Electrão is a contest involving the Humanitarian Associations of Voluntary Firemen (AHBV) and citizens, in favor of recycling electrical products.
Mértola: Municipality joins the “Festival Discover Your Interior”.
The Municipality of Mértola will be one of the partners of the “Festival Discover Your Interior” that will take place in the days 9 and 10 April via online.
Mértola: Municipality financially supports sports associations.
The Municipality of Mértola will provide support of around 60 thousand euros to sports associations in the municipality.
Mértola: One week “Remember Serrao Martins”.
“Remember Serrão Martins”, the first mayor of Mértola elected in democracy, a week to celebrate, digitally, the culture and heritage of the region.