Mértola: Autarchy reinforces project “Do not leave home, we come to you”.
Launched by the Municipality of Mértola at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic and which to this day has supported the population of the municipality in various ways.
Mértola: New Traffic Regulation in force in the Historic Center.
The new traffic regulations of the Historic Center of Mértola have already entered into force, whose main objective is to protect the historic area from excessive movement of motor vehicles.
Mértola: Design for Sustainability, project presentation.
Following the collaboration protocol between the Municipality of Mértola and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, the presentation of the works of the students of the Master's Course in Design for Sustainability took place, whose central theme was the territory of Mértola.
Mértola: Outbreak at the CAIMoreanes home with 8 positive cases.
There is an outbreak of covid-19 in the home of the Moreanes Support Center for the Elderly (CAIN), municipality of Mértola, with 8 positive cases, 7 users and 1 employee, entre as 60 people that the institution has.
Mértola: Municipality extended the deadline for support to entrepreneurs.
It was extended until 31 January, the deadline for applications to the Municipal Business Support Program (Covid19).