Mértola: Very complicated situation in the Misericórdia home.

Mértola: Very complicated situation in the Misericórdia home.

Three more deaths today by covid-19. Sixteen victims in the outbreak of the Misericórdia home.

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DGS: Vidigueira and Mértola are the highest risk municipalities in the district.

DGS: Vidigueira and Mértola are the highest risk municipalities in the district.

According to data by municipalities released by DGS, Vidigueira and Mértola are the municipalities most at risk of covid-19, being on the risk list “very high”, may have tighter rules.

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Covid-19: Outbreak at Mértola

Covid-19: Outbreak at Mértola's Mercy home has already killed 13.

In the last hours five more deaths were known in Mértola, in the covid-19 outbreak at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia home, four women and one man. In total there are already thirteen fatal victims.

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Mértola: Jorge Pulido Valente returned to the autarchy. In 2009 was elected president in Beja.

Mértola: Jorge Pulido Valente returned to the autarchy. In 2009 was elected president in Beja.

Former Mayor of Mértola, returned yesterday to the autarchy to occupy the position of Superior Technician in the Planning Office.

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Mértola: Eighth death by covid-19 in the outbreak of the Misericórdia home.

Mértola: Eighth death by covid-19 in the outbreak of the Misericórdia home.

Eighth death by covid-19 in the Misericórdia home. Today three users have died, two men and a woman. It was the seventh life that pandemic “stole” on the weekend.

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