Mértola: Coffee lees collection campaign.
The coffee grounds collection campaign, within the scope of the 4Rs Sustainability project developed by the environment section of the Municipality of Mértola and the Frescos sobre Roda project.
Mértola: “Drug courier” caught with 6 kilos of hashish.
Update: Pretrial detention for Spanish citizens, resident in Huelva, caught in Mértola with 6 kilos of hashish. Was taken to the Tires Prison.
Mértola: Woman arrested for drug trafficking.
Woman was detained near Mértola, in possession of 12 300 doses of hashish, will be present today at the Judicial Court of Beja.
Mértola: Return to normality in the City Hall.
Closed since last day 2 of December, in the face of the discovery of four cases of covid-19 among workers, the building of the Town Hall of the Municipality of Mértola, reopens this Monday for public service.
Mértola: Museum pieces on display in a museum in Lisbon.
It is shown in the National Museum of Ancient Art, in Lisbon, temporary exposure “Warriors and Martyrs-Christianity and Islam in the formation of Portugal”, curated by Santiago Macias and Joaquim Oliveira Caetano.