Mértola: Ten years to receive the Autarchy flag + Family Responsible.
The Mértola Autarchy receives the Autarchy flag for the 10th consecutive year + Family Responsible.
Mértola: The young man of 25 years old victim of being hit on the road.
five days connected to machines and a battle for life, passed away this Thursday morning at the Hospital de Faro, the young man who was run over on the road
Mértola: Municipality launches project to collect coffee grounds.
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Mértola: Autarchy reinforces support to firefighters.
Mértola City Council renews Collaboration Protocol with the Mértola Volunteer Firefighters Humanitarian Association and reinforces support.
Mértola: Young 25 years in serious condition after being run over.
A couple of 25 year old, resident in Moreanes, municipality of Mértola, was in a serious condition following a hit by a car and was transported by helicopter to the Hospital de Faro.