informal caregivers: Mértola Moura and integrate pilot projects.
Mértola and Moura are among the 30 municipalities that from day 1 April may ask the local service of Social Security to recognize the Statute of the Informal Caregiver, that will give them the right to benefits as a subsidy, technical support and rest time.
Mértola: Guadiana farmers want emergency water supply for animals.
The Agricultural Cooperative of the Guadiana, in Alentejo, today defended the increase in storage capacity and operation of a network of water supply for animals in emergency watering drought.
Mértola: Maritime police seized in the river Guadiana 20 fishing nets lamprey.
Twenty networks of the Guadiana river fishermen were apprehended by the Maritime Police and the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry. Fishermen contest offenses with the support of the House and Parish Council.
Mértola: Firefighters launch call for help to make fire-fighting vehicle.
Firefighters Mértola Volunteers launch appeal to the population to help “win” a new vehicle.
Mértola: Parish Council is organizing the II Festival of tubera.
Mértola parish organizes the II Festival of tubera, will be held in the days Mértola 21 and 22 March, a parish council of the organization.