Mértola: Archaeologist Claudio Torres received the Cultural Merit Medal.
“A Minister of Culture in Mértola ... shit ". It was with this expression, and the Alentejo, that Claudio Torres received Graça Fonseca, the door of the Field Archaeologist, when the Minister of Culture came to the "Village Museum".
Distinction: Government attaches Medal of Cultural Merit to archaeologist Cláudio Torres.
The Government has decided to award the Medal of Cultural Merit to archaeologist Cláudio Torres, in recognition of “a dedicated life” the historical research and the causes of cultural heritage and archeology peninsular. The medal is delivered Saturday in Mértola.
Mértola: Firefighters will refuse service INEM, for lack of ambulance.
The lack of an ambulance INEM makes Mértola Firemen do not do emergency services from the next day 15 January. The car is broken from 28 October and there was no replacement.
Mértola: XVI County Entrepreneurs Meeting held on Saturday.
The XVI County Entrepreneurs Meeting of Mértola will be held this Saturday, in the lounge of the Board of Parish of Mértola, one of the Municipality of Mértola initiative with the support of the Guadiana Valley Entrepreneurs Association and the Guadiana Route.
Mértola: County will receive supercentral Solar 400 million.
The project Fermesolar marks a new record in Portugal: will more than double the power of the most central of the country and is equivalent to 10 times the historical center of Amareleja. And will have batteries, to also be able to sell power at night.