Mértola: Firefighters get hold of the local authority. A new autotanque.
The Christmas Lunch Volunteer Fire Department Mértola (BVM) It was enriched with the delivery, by the Municipality, a new autotanque supported in full by the local authority.
Mértola: Presented Biological Station. investment of 3 million.
The Municipality of Mértola, in collaboration with other institutions made the presentation of the Biological Station of Mértola, which will be a center of recovery and technology transfer, project that has an investment in excess of three million euros, with funding from the Alentejo 2020.
Mértola: Chamber presents Biological Station, in the old building of silos EPAC.
Tomorrow, day 13 of December, by 10:30, in the old building of silos EPAC, in Mértola, will take place the public presentation of the Biological Station of Mértola.
Mértola: Parish Council grants five thousand euros the parish of babies.
Under the Baby Project +, the Mértola parish council has delivered, this year, 10 no value checks 500 euros each, the new babies, an amount that has exceeded the value assigned in 2018.
Mértola: Biological Station will receive Biodiversity Museum.
The Mértola Municipality will present in public session Biological Station of Mértola.