Serpa / Mértola: XVII Agricultural Fair Well Valley Border.
Well Valley welcomes us days 13, 14 and 15 September the seventeenth edition of the Agricultural Fair Transfrontier, presenting a poster filled with activities.
Mértola: Local authority offers new autotanque firefighters.
Three months after the accident with autotanque, the Volentários Mértola Firefighters have new car. Local authority offers new autotanque, an investment 65.000 euros.
Mértola: "Give Liter by Mértola" rewards water-saving ideas.
Under the contest "Give Liter by Mértola" addressed to Mértola county Parish, to streamline awareness-raising of the local community for the efficient use of water, Honor the statements were signed.
Mértola: Five proposals are due Participatory Budget.
The proposed "School More Active", Participatory Budgeting in General (OPG), and "Canoeing for Everyone", Participatory budgeting in Young (OPJ), It was the most voted in this first edition of the Participatory Budgeting Mértola, an initiative in which the population has proposed and chose the projects that the Municipality of Mértola will develop.
Castro Verde: Preventive for dealer with registration, detained three times by the GNR.
Is in custody the individual held by GNR in Castro Verde for drug trafficking. It is the third and the second holding time is in Prison Beja.