Moura: Municipality with a budget of around 37 million euros for this year.
The Municipal Assembly of Moura approved the Major Options of the Plan and the Budget for the year 2025, which presents an overall value of 36.980.105,00 euros.
Moura: Four winning projects of the Participatory Budget 2024.
The voting process for the Participatory Budget of the Municipality of Moura has already been completed 2024, which this year has the theme “Technological Innovation, Administrative Modernization and Simplification”.
Moura: Former Chega elected official sentenced to 10 months in prison, suspended for one year.
Ten months in prison, suspended for one year, was the penalty applied to VÃtor Ramalho, a former elected member of the Chega party, at the Parish Council of Póvoa de São Miguel, in the municipality of Moura, for shots fired during an altercation with a Kurdish citizen with a Swiss passport.
Moura: Municipality reinforces support for Firefighters, to the Red Cross and the Patient Transport Service of the Amareleja Parish Council.
Moura City Hall reinforced support for firefighters, Red Cross and Patient Transport Service.
Moura: Domestic violence case leads to seizure of weapons and ammunition.
As part of a domestic violence case, the PSP, accused an individual of 50 years and seized weapons and ammunition.