PSP: Driver caught with 2,59 alcohol. 9 fined for non-compliance in covid-19.
The District Command Beja PSP (CD Beja) detained an individual, of 37 year old, driving a vehicle with a blood alcohol content of 2,59 g/l. As part of compliance with the restrictive measures to contain the pandemic COVID-19, 9 people were fined, 3 for participation in a non-legally authorized meeting.
Moura: Tomorrow visits to users of IPSS’s in the municipality return.
After analyzing the evolution of the number of cases of infection by the new coronavirus, it was decided to resume visits to users of the IPSS’s.
Moura: Qualifica Municipality Center in full operation.
The Qualifica Center of the Municipality of Moura (CQMM) started its activity from 1 September 2020.
Culture: Santiago Macias director of the National Pantheon.
Or Alentejo historian, researcher at the MĂ©rtola Archaeological Field and Mayor of Moura between 2013 and 2017, was chosen as director of the National Pantheon, in Lisbon.
Moura: 77 positive cases after new testing of covid-19.
Promoted by the testing agency in Moura and Amareleja it allowed to identify 77 positive cases.