Alqueva: Edia make public presentation of new irrigation blocks.
The Enterprise Development and Infraestrturas Alqueva (EDIA) presented on Friday, irrigation blocks Caliços / Axes and Sinks and Moura Gravitational. Are more 10 928 hectares of Alqueva.
Moura: Vocational School students launch document advocacy
“We want better conditions in Moura Vocational School!, It is the title of a document / undersigned, issued by the students of the Vocational School Moura and will sent to the Government, Chamber of Moura and Comoiprel.
Beja: Lidador News solves oblivion PSP Command of gratified tournament FPF.
Graduates and staff of the Squadrons of Beja and Moura, They were gratified to receive the International Tournament UEFA U16, held in May 2015. The matter was resolved after the contacts Lidador News with FPF.
Beja: Four Romanian citizens tried on charges of trafficking in persons.
Four Romanian citizens and business, Property one, start now on trial before the Court of Beja, pela prática em co-autoria e na forma consumada de um crime de tráfico de pessoas e 23 documents subtraction crimes.
Serpa: Detained four individuals in the act by cattle theft. The case occurred near V.N.S.Bento
Militares de Investigação Criminal (NIC) Moura, apoiados por militares do NIC de Beja, detiveram na quinta-feira, quatro indivÃduos por tentativa de furto de gado, em Vila Nova se São Bento, Serpa county.