Ourique: Alpiarça is the invited Municipality of the Alentejano Pig Fair 2024.
The Municipality of Ourique will be able to count on the participation of the Municipality of Alpiarça as the invited Local Authority of the XVI Edition of the Alentejano Pork Fair, to perform between 22 and 24 March.
Castro Verde: Municipality reinforces support for Volunteer Firefighters.
The Castro Verde City Council decided to reinforce the annual support given to the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Castro Verde in 6.000 euros, starting to receive 80.130 euros total annual support.
Mértola: March is the month dedicated to Education.
These days, annual, the responsibility of the Municipality, intend to provide different agents with (family, teaching staff, non-teaching, technicians and community) the possibility of sharing experiences.
Ourique: Municipality awarded at the Municipal Sports Event of the year 2024.Ourique:
The MegaFitness event, organized by the Municipality of Ourique, was recognized at the Mealhada Seminar, as the best in the category of local sporting event of the year, in territories up to 10 thousand residents, in a national competition from the MunicÃpios Amigos do Desporto program.
Beja: Works at the Rainha D.Leonor Museum almost completed.
Beja City Council promoted the application through APT, which allowed the work to be financed at a value greater than 1,6 million.