Odemira: Participatory Budget 2023 with four winning proposals.
There are four proposals most voted by citizens in the edition of 2023 of the Participatory Budget of the Municipality of Odemira, in the most attended edition over the years 13 years of this process, where the population presents and votes on municipal investment proposals worth the maximum global value of 300 thousand euros.
Beja: “It's Christmas in Beja”. Of 1 of the December 6 January.
The Christmas lights, placed on the city's main arteries, light up on friday, 1 of December, to 17,30 hours. Christmas Market: of 7 a 10 of December, the 10 at 19:00. Arrival of Santa Claus to 8 from december to 15,00 hours.
Ourique: Municipality was recognized as an Inclusive Employer.
The Municipality of Ourique at the public recognition ceremony as an Inclusive Employer.
Beja: 13rd Sports Gala of the Municipality of Beja. The sports party.
It took place last night at Pax Júlia-Teatro Municipal, the 1st Sports Gala of the Municipality of Beja, an initiative promoted by the Municipality and which aimed to recognize the best in various categories, collective and individual.
Ourique: Municipality once again pays homage to Commander Hélder Mendes with a film cycle.
The Municipality of Ourique will promote another edition of the film cycle in honor of commander Hélder Mendes, taking place at Cineteatro Sousa Telles, in Ourique, of 28 a 30 November. entry is free, but subject to space capacity.