Ourique: Rehabilitation of the Roof of the Palace of Justice.
Palace of Justice of Ourique receives investment of almost 200 thousand euros in the recovery of coverage.
Ourique: President of the Municipality met with Secretary of State for Infrastructure.
Following the request for a meeting by the President of the Municipality of Ourique, with the President of the Portuguese Infrastructure Board of Directors, a working meeting took place with the Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Frederico Francisco.
Mértola: XIV Mértola Hunting Fair. Of 20 a 22 October.
The Municipality of Mértola revealed the program for the XIV Mértola Hunting Fair, which promises to be an exceptional event for all hunting and nature lovers. This competition takes place 20 a 22 October, at the Expo Mértola Multipurpose Pavilion.
Serpa: Change in the composition of the Municipal Executive.
For health reasons, Councilor Carlos Alberto Martins Bule Alves presented his request to resign from the position of Councilor of the Municipality of Serpa.
Castro Verde: Municipality will requalify Municipal Roads.
Castro Verde City Council is preparing, technically and financially, the process of requalifying several municipal roads and paths throughout the municipality. The initiative will involve an investment that could amount to around € 1.000.000, in a gradual process divided into three phases.