Ourique: New vehicle designed to collect bio-waste.
The vehicle is 100% electricity and was financed by the Environmental Fund.
Odemira: Mayor anticipates losses in the order of 10 million.
Only in the tourism sector “we are talking about more than 2,7 million euros of direct losses, either because there were cancellations”, says mayor of Odemira.
Ourique: Awareness campaign: “It was just what was missing”.
The Municipality of Ourique and RESIALENTEJO launch an organic waste collection campaign with the aim of diverting important resources from landfill. The campaign “It was just what was missing” starts today, 5 of September.
Odemira: Tributes at the Municipality Day ceremony.
On 8 of September, by 10.00 hours, the Solemn Session of Municipality Day will take place at the MisericĂłrdia Church of Odemira, day on which the municipal holiday is marked. The Protocol Ceremony will be a moment to pay tribute and recognize two people from Odemir who stood out for the role and action they demonstrated throughout their lives.
Castro Verde: Municipality will begin works on Municipal Road 535, known as the “Casével Road”.
The project to requalify the Municipal Road 535, which connects Castro Verde to the town of Casével and Ourique Station, in total 13,7 km, will start in the next few days.