Ourique: King D statue. Dinis back to the square.
After a structural repair has been carried out with the corresponding fixing to the base, the statue of King D. Dinis is back on the square, revealed the Municipality of Ourique.
Odemira: Municipality wants to take legal action to end illegal temporary accommodation.
The Chamber of Odemira will take legal action against agricultural companies that insist on maintaining illegal temporary accommodation in this territory, despite legislation created to improve conditions for seasonal workers in agricultural campaigns.
Mértola: Municipality opened registration for the 14th Hunting Fair.
The Municipality of Mértola has already opened registration for the XIV Hunting Fair, which is made of 20 a 22 October at the Multipurpose Pavilion at Expo Mértola.
Ourique: Municipality commemorates the 884th anniversary of the battle.
The Battle of Ourique 25 July 1139 It is a milestone in the affirmation of Portugal as a nation and in the projection of Portugueseness, Be the Portuguese.
Serpa: Requalification works in the outer space of the school center.
The contract for requalification of the outer space of the Centro Escolar de Serpa (Beja) already started, an investment valued at more than 470 thousand euros, announced the city council.