Ourique: Start of work on the new Health Center.
Next Monday, 3 July, by 12.15 pm, the Convivio Center Ourique, that the Launching Session for the Beginning of the Construction Work of the New Health Center of Ourique takes place, with the presence of the Secretary of State for Health, Ricardo Mestre.
Ourique: Municipality offers summer ATL program 2023.
In 2023, The Municipality of Ourique makes the Summer ATL available again, with activities for preschool and 1st cycle children. The Summer ATL activities will take place in three periods.
Heritage: Royal Basilica of Castro Verde classified as a national monument.
Mother Church of Castro Verde, renamed the Royal Basilica and reclassified as a “monument of national interestâ€.
EDIA: Today, the company promotes a conference at the Núcleo Museológico.
Agricultural structures and forms of economic exploitation in Baixo Alentejo (16th-19th centuries) is the theme of a conference that EDIA promotes tonight at the Núcleo museológico.
Mértola: Hunting Days // Open Day at the Municipal Hunting Zone.
Mértola City Council will hold another hunting day, day 1 July, 18h00, at the Expo Mértola Multipurpose pavilion, within the framework of the 1st Hunting Days.