Justice: Former ICNF technician tried for corruption. in silence before the judges.
The former senior technician at the Institute for Nature and Forest Conservation fell silent. (ICNF), which started being tried yesterday in the Court of Beja.
Odemira: Chamber approved budget of 45,3 million for 2022.
The City Council of Odemira approved the Major Plan and Budget Options for 2022 no value of € 45,375,000 that, being the first budget of the current term, incorporates some priorities defined for the period of 2021/2025.
Odemira: Former ICNF technician is now being tried for corruption.
The Public Prosecutor argues that the individual benefited from illicit monetary benefits and assets of nearly half a million euros. He was fired from ICNF in May 2019. Between 1 March and 18 September 2018 was in the Chamber of Barrancos.
GNR: V.N.Milfontes post again to “iron and fire” with another case of aggression.
Two of the soldiers convicted in the first case, were reinstated in the GNR, but with the involvement in this new process, they are suspended from functions..
Odemira: Motorcycle crash makes a deadly victim.
Motorcyclist dies after crashing and falling into a river in Odemira.