Odemira: Man 20 years suffers 1st degree burns in the Savoy fire.
A man, of 20 year old, suffered first degree burns in the chest area and will be evacuated to the Hospital de Litoral Alentejano, in Santiago do Cacém.
Odemira: Flames are burning in the parish of Sabóia.
Near 200 fire and 12 aerial means fight a fire in forest and forest stand that ignited, on this wednesday afternoon, in Savoy parish, in Odemira.
Odemira: Certified training cycle in Sport.
The Municipality of Odemira promotes training on training load monitoring in endurance sports.
Odemira: Imigrantes continuam a viver sem dignidade e a ser explorados.
“Foi operação de marketing do Governo.” Trabalhadores rurais de Odemira ainda vivem sem condições. Alberto Matos, coordenador da delegação da associação Solidariedade Imigrante de Beja, afirma que os trabalhadores rurais continuam a ser explorados.
Odemira: Participatory Budget 2021 with 51 proposals.
The population of Odemira presented 51 proposals for public investment in the process 2021 Participatory Budget (ON).