Odemira: Entries and exits in parishes subject to negative test.

Odemira: Entries and exits in parishes subject to negative test.

Entrances and exits to work or support the elderly in the parishes of Odemira under a sanitary fence are now allowed, but are dependent on a covid-19 negative test, measure in force from the 08:00 of today.

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Odemira: Zmar owners threaten government with recourse to court.

Odemira: Zmar owners threaten government with recourse to court.

Through your representative, owners accuse the Government of lying and recourse to the courts to stop the occupation of Zmar is a hypothesis. The case is already seen as “a legal and hasty package by the Governmentâ€

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Covid-19: Mayor of Odemira against sanitary fences.

Covid-19: Mayor of Odemira against sanitary fences.

At the beginning of the month, he defended this situation and health authorities devalued. José Alberto Guerreiro disputes the Government's decision: “I didn't want to believe”.

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Odemira: The dismay of a population. The sun shines and people cry.

Odemira: The dismay of a population. The sun shines and people cry.

“We are not against greenhouses and agriculture, but against unrestrained and unrestricted hiring of people who more than work are exploited in companies in the county â€.

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Odemira: Sanitary fence in two parishes and confinement resort.

Odemira: Sanitary fence in two parishes and confinement resort.

Road traffic to and from the two parishes in the municipality of Odemira, with sanitary fence, is prohibited, as well as staying on public roads. ZMar project required to enable the confinement and prophylactic isolation of those who have no conditions in the place of residence.

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