Telechronics: more AI, cybersecurity and lots of data from the various markets.
A recent study, which focused on how Artificial Intelligence (HE) is affecting the way of working of the most recent elements of the labor market, reveals that most users of this tool do not feel comfortable sharing this information with their superiors.
It is noted today, day 25 May, "International Missing Children's Day", and therefore, this article aims to present the study on the phenomenon of missing children in the European Union 27, prepared by the European Commission, denominado “Missing children in the European Union: Mapping, data collection and statisticsâ€, dated 2013 and where I participated as expert GNR, as head of the Bureau of Special Programs of GNR, whose functions played from January 2010 and January 2013.
Telechronics: traffic, WhatsApp, as well as video games and consoles on the menu.
A study carried out by Imperva concludes that, last year, 47,4% of all traffic recorded on the Internet was generated by bots. The figure represents an increase of 5,1% yoy.
Today marks "World Internet Day" which aims to reflect on the potential and challenges of the Internet in the lives of citizens, that despite bringing with it numerous advantages, also brings various dangers associated with its use, being one of the most relevant risks, ace computer jokes, that can seriously affect the security and privacy of its users and that have increased substantially in recent years.
Telechronics: we talk about work and point to the Olympic Games in Esports.
Microsoft data taken from the Work Trend Index 2023 show that 64% of respondents say they struggle to find the time and energy to do their job, being that they have 3,5 times more likely to also struggle with strategic thinking.