Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): new Windows on the way and some more issues.
Complaints filed with the Attorney General's Office (PGR) cybercrime-related increased 182% last year against 2019, recently revealed Mariana Vieira da Silva, Minister of State and Presidency.
Telechronics: terrorism, stupidity and other themes.
The European law that dictates that digital platforms must remove terrorist content from the Internet in less than an hour after an alert from the authorities has already entered into force., announced the European Commission.
Telechronics (Opinion / Ademar Days): new data on several fronts, both global and national.
Only half of the Portuguese students 15 years can distinguish between fact and opinion when browsing the internet, according to an international study that shows that, worldwide, most are unable to do so.
Telechronics (Opinion / Ademar Days): sleeping music and lots of new features.
A new study has found that listening to music before bed can improve the quality of sleep for adults.
Telechronics (Opinion / Ademar Days): streaming, video games and a joke.
A study by Self Financial indicates that Apple TV + is the best quality content streaming service on the market.