Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): PSU, portability and other brands.
A systematic analysis 41 studies, published in late November, identified a problematic use of mobile phones (PSU, its acronym in INGES) in one in four children and youth, which may have effects on mental health.
Opinion (JosĂ© LĂșcio / Judge): Caught climate.
There are formulas that have the power to muster the general accession precisely because they are so meaningless empty and it is not possible to give them a specific meaning. This is the case of the tired theme of the fight against climate change.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): issues and issues of the net.. and music to the minute.
Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web at 1989, 30 years later announced a global initiative against the excesses on the Internet.
Opinion (JosĂ© LĂșcio / Judge): When corruption flies higher.
If there are themes that promise to keep for a long time to mark today in the societies in which we live, there is no doubt that corruption is one of them. Just look at Portugal or Brazil.
Opinion (JosĂ© LĂșcio / Judge): In purgatory ideas.
We know that Christ himself did not please everyone. It appears that not even Professor Marcelo manages this miracle. So do not bother me any disagreements with the reflections that will occasionally publishing. There is always someone who thinks differently, and face the fact that with resignation.