Telechronics (Opinion / Ademar Days): hearsay, certainties, more video games and a shark.
After all the rumors were unfounded. At least for now! Netflix will not, for now, insert commercials during the series.
Opinion (JosĂ© LĂșcio / Judge): Courts of Beja in changes.
Everything is preparing for this September approaching the Courts of Labor and Family Court and Judicial Minor of Beja County begin functioning in new home: provisional modules placed along the Salgueiro Maia Avenue, in the city of Beja.
Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): GNR-AN INTEGRAL POLICE +.
One possible definition of "Integral Police", It may be the one that in its area of ââaction exercises powers of Community Policing / Proximity, Public Order and Criminal Investigation.
Opinion (JosĂ© LĂșcio / Judge): Today we speak of psychology.
The Portuguese like to dislike. Join one sauce, and see. Just start slagging, something or someone.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): Facebook anti violence, digital platforms and video games.
Facebook will remove false information published in this social network that can contribute to acts of imminent violence.