Telechronics: QR Code, PCs serving AI products and tools.
Did you know that it is possible to create a QR Code of any page you are accessing through the Google Chrome browser?, know that it is possible?
Telechronics: vulnerabilities, Instant Loads and Playables.
A recent study by the Reuters Institute and Oxford University, which was based on a survey of 12.000 people from six countries (Argentina, Denmark, France, Japan, United Kingdom and United States), concluded that, after all, There are few people who regularly use generative artificial intelligence tools like GhatGPT, Gemini or Copilot.
Telechronics: artificial intelligence and cybercrime on the agenda.
In the European Union, the share of companies with 10 or more workers using artificial intelligence technologies (HE) in its activities rose slightly, of 7,6% in 2021, To the 8% in 2023, released Eurostat.
On the eve of marking, the next day 1 June, “World Children’s Day”, we found out, that in the year 2023 the Children and Young People Protection Commissions (CPCJ) moved 84.196 Promotion and Protection Processes, more 7,70% than 2022 and that Negligence, soon followed by Domestic Violence (CEO), constitute the hazard categories most represented in communications received.
Telechronics: digital decay, rules for AI and a copilot.
A new study from the Pew Research Center reveals that a quarter of web pages created between 2013 and 2023 is no longer accessible. Called “digital decay”, the phenomenon shows that in most cases the contents were removed, but the sites that hosted them remain active.