Beja: PSP agent suspended from duties by IGAI.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAY) suspended for three months the PSP agent accused of torturing a Ukrainian citizen.
Beja: Public Service with point tolerance in Carnival.
A Romanian citizen showers his wife with gasoline and threatens to set her on fire. A Romanian citizen showers his wife with gasoline and threatens to set her on fire. A Romanian citizen showers his wife with gasoline and threatens to set her on fire.
Justice: banner4 2.580 euros.
Couple scammed the tourist unit with the receipt of a bank transfer made to pay for the stay, Couple scammed the tourist unit with the receipt of a bank transfer made to pay for the stay. Couple scammed the tourist unit with the receipt of a bank transfer made to pay for the stay. Couple scammed the tourist unit with the receipt of a bank transfer made to pay for the stay.
Beja: banner4.
Three PSP agents from Beja will be the subject of an investigation by the IGAI, Three PSP agents from Beja will be the subject of an investigation by the IGAI. Three PSP agents from Beja will be the subject of an investigation by the IGAI.
Justice: Beja PSP agent accused by Ukrainian citizen.
Beja PSP agent accused by Ukrainian citizen, the Criminal Court of Beja.