Moura: Signing of a contract for works at the PSP Police Station.

Moura: Signing of a contract for works at the PSP Police Station.

Assistant Secretary of State and Internal Administration is today in Moura to sign the contract for the feasibility of the rehabilitation works of the PSP Police Station.

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Beja: Preventive detention for an individual detained for domestic violence.

Beja: Preventive detention for an individual detained for domestic violence.

A man of 31 year old, was arrested last tuesday, in Beja, for domestic violence against his partner and will await trial in preventive detention. Can be charged and tried for more serious crimes..

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Beja: PSP detained a person for the practice of physical aggression and coercion against an agent.

Beja: PSP detained a person for the practice of physical aggression and coercion against an agent.

A man of 57 years old, he was arrested yesterday in Beja for the practice of physical aggression and coercion of a law enforcement officer. The judge should be present today for the first interrogation.

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Beja: Police detain drug dealer with more than 3.000 doses of cocaine.

Beja: Police detain drug dealer with more than 3.000 doses of cocaine.

Agentes PSP detiveram na noite de ontem, in Beja, um cidadão local com mais de 3000 doses of cocaine. Vai ser hoje presente a tribunal.

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Beja: They dismantled various parts of an automobile and hid hash and money.

Beja: They dismantled various parts of an automobile and hid hash and money.

Two individuals, of 25 and 37 year old, Lisbon residents, foram a Espanha comprar estupefacientes, onde desmontaram diversas partes do automóvel onde circulavam, tendo escondido de haxixe e uma avultada quantia em dinheiro.

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