(Last hour) Beja: Moura retired police, convicted of embezzlement.

(Last hour) Beja: Moura retired police, convicted of embezzlement.

A retired police, who was attached to the Police Moura, was today convicted of embezzlement, forgery and illegal possession of weapons. Applied a penalty of 7 years in prison, suspended and reduced, by cluster 3 years and 6 months.

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Fª Alentejo: Four east of citizens arrested for theft 500 kilos of olives.

Fª Alentejo: Four east of citizens arrested for theft 500 kilos of olives.

The GNR arrested four people in the act of olive theft, seized 500 pounds. The PSP has identified two people and seized 1.500 kilograms of olive penthouse.

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Beja: Woman caught smuggling drugs into jail.

Beja: Woman caught smuggling drugs into jail.

The Public Security Police (PSP) Beja, He stopped a woman, of 38 year old, by Suspeita drug trafficking, when I am trying to introduce drugs into the Prison (EPB) city.

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Yellow jackets: Beja “out” local disclosed by PSP.

Yellow jackets: Beja “out” local disclosed by PSP.

Beja is “officially” out of protests called “Yellow jackets”, according to the list released by the National Director of PSP. It was not requested permission to rally the Municipality of Beja.

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Beja: Couple injured and hospitalized in collision between car and motorcycle.

Beja: Couple injured and hospitalized in collision between car and motorcycle.

A couple, both with 50 year old, resident in Beja, suffered injuries serious and was transported to the ER (HIS) City Hospital, following the collision between the motorcycle they were traveling in a car and.

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